    When Sir Ken Robinson said, “Brilliant people don’t think they are”, he meant that brilliant people are often degraded to believe that they aren’t smart. In the video, Sir Ken Robinson talks about the schism of the “academic” and the “nonacademic” people. The word “academic” in this video had the denotation of people who get good grades. However, from personal experience, I know that grades don’t necessarily determine how smart a person is. I know people who have a 3.0 GPA, but could beat my 4.1 butt in geography or any other subject any other day. This is where the schism comes in. For some reason, there is a belief that if you don’t have good grades, you aren’t smart. This is what Sir Ken Robinson means by his statement. Brilliant people are tricked into believing that they aren’t smart, just because they don’t have the best grades in the class or have the highest GPA. Hopefully, one day, this flawed mindset will change.          
Kamehameha Schools supports, yet at the same time, doesn’t support the factory model of education. According to the video, the factory model of education is based on the two pillars of intellect and economics. Unfortunately, the current system in place was designed and conceived for a different age (the Enlightenment). People don’t realize that education needs to fit the student’s needs in THIS day and age, especially with all of the kids with ADHD. Kamehameha Schools supports this outdated model of education because school is very rigid. Most of the learning consists of the student sitting in a chair, while the teacher tries to force-feed information down the student’s throat. This is a very outdated technique. However, Kamehameha Schools doesn’t support the factory model of education because it also has outside learning. Although most of the learning at Kamehameha School is force-feeding, it also has learning being taught outside of the classroom (ex: the mala). The fact that Kamehameha Schools offers this kind of learning shows that it is not supporting the factory model of education. 
Using divergent thinking to solve problems is effective. From personal experience, if you have tunnel vision and can only look at the problem in one light, you will have a very difficult time solving the problem. One time, my friend and I had a dispute. Since my friend wasn’t willing to look at any other perspective than her own, the problem was never completely resolved. Divergent thinking also helps people find the most effective solution to problems. By looking at the problem at different angles, you get to find the solution that will fit the situation the best. Makawalu relates to divergent thinking. According to Hawaiian legends, makawalu literally means “eight eyes”. Hawaiian thinking is that people, especially students, should be able to have many different views/perspectives of the same situation, being able to have “eight eyes”. The word divergent, according to dictionary.com, means “increasing as more terms are added”. Thus divergent thinking is being able to look at all of the possible venues or solutions and being able to choose the best solution to solve the problem. Both of these things require people to have an open mind and look at every aspect of a problem before deciding on their decision. In conclusion, makawalu and divergent thinking are the same thing under different names.  

XY Chromosome Holder
3/1/2013 06:06:30 am

Effective claim. Evidence support is empirical. You expand on your ideas and reflect logic an reasoning. Could use some hyperlinks to increase the level of learning. Personally KS use more FACTORY model then less model, I would give you examples but I'm limited to a certain amount of text. How many courses use the mala? Educate me cause I don't know much outside of KE2003. There is a reason why we use bells [factory] you wear uniforms [factory], detention issued [factory].....not a good thing or bad thing, just the way it is.... Standard Met


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