Fertilization is like a family reunion. According to dictionary.com, the definition of fertilization is “the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote”. Like our kumu taught us in a lecture, the sole purpose of gametes (sperm and eggs) are to get together and, through the process of sexual reproduction, combine with each other in order to create a genetically diverse zygote. This combining process of fertilization is similar to a family reunion because the purpose a family reunion to bring people who are meant to be with each other together. Another point to bring up is that at a family reunion, people talk about their lives and exchange information; this “exchanging information” process also happens during fertilization. When the gametes combine, they share their genetic information with each other, thus promoting genetic diversity. It is in these ways that a family reunion and the process of fertilization are comparable.

Photo Credit: Simpson Family. N.d. Photograph. Simpson Crazy. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. <http://www.simpsoncrazy.com/pictures/family>.
    Pukui’s work provides new mana’o about cellular reproduction. Majority of people only know the Western mana’o about cellular reproduction (MCT, haploids, and chromosomes). While knowing the biological, Western thinking of cellular reproduction is important, the cultural Hawaiian mana’o should definitely not be disregarded, for it provides new insight, or in other words, another side of the story. From personal experience, I have learned that it is very unwise to get only one side of the story because in that scenario, you are susceptible to believing that biased, opinionated statements are facts or you just don’t get a very clear picture of the whole scheme of things. By exposing yourself to multiple sources of information, especially sources as credible and informational as Pukui’s work, you lower your chances of having a one-sided view of cellular reproduction and in a broader view, the world. This is why it is important to learn about cellular reproduction through Pukui’s work and ultimately the Hawaiian perspective.

Photo Credit: Kelly (2012)
Quarter 1 Cumulative Grade + Quarter 2 Cumulative Grade + Final Exam = Semester Grade

(0.82 X 40) + Quarter 2 Cumulative Grade + Final Exam = 90% (A)

32.80 + Quarter 2 Cumulative Grade + Final Exam = 90% (A)

32.80 + 38 + 19.20 = 90 -> Ideally

I will get a 90 for my Semester 1 grade, a.k.a. an A. Obtaining this goal will require me to improve my study habits. Basing my knowledge off of personal experience in this class, I have noticed that when I don’t study for at least 20 minutes before my Biology tests/quizzes, my scores are at B level. This is unacceptable!!! In order to reach my goal, I will need to study intensely and keep up with the Blackboard assignments meant to help me study at all times.